Conversational English with a native speaker

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Продолжительность курса
Conversational English with a native speaker Начало: июль - август 1 раза в неделю по 90 мин. вт. 18:00-19:30 или 19:40-21:10 190 рублей 8 недель (8 занятий по 90 минут, 16 академ.часа)
This course is designed for the following
  • Prepares Students for IELTS or TOFEL speaking tests.
  • How to develop a conversational presentation whether short or long. Public speaking skills.
  • Structures of conversational English. Broaden Vocabulary.

Lesson 1

How to give the impression of fluency and confidence. Speaking with details. Word map. Mind map. Speaking Exercises.

Lesson 2

Effective Speaking Methods (ESM). Introduction, Body, Conclusion.  Theme Development, Gestures, Visual Eye Contact. Speaking Exercises. Debate.

Lesson 3

ESM; Warmth and Feeling, Modulation, Upbuilding Positive. Describing, comparing, giving opinion language. Speaking Exercises.

Lesson 4

History of the English Language ESM; Theme Development, Gestures, Visual Eye Contact. Speaking Exercises

Lesson 5

ESM; Speak to the Heart, Questions Listen. Language practice, Market Research exercises, use of good questions. How to Marketing a product exercise.

Lesson 6

ESM; Volume, Poise Talking about Advantages and Disadvantages, Cause and Effect, Uncertainty language. Speaking exercise, and games.

Lesson 7

ESM; Effective Pausing, Informative to your Audience. Probability Language Writing and Speaking Exercise Six O'clock News, creative presentation speak exercise

Lesson 8

Review ESM’s Dealing with comprehension problems; Stalling for time. Topic Talk presentation, speaking exercise. Speaking game.